Friday, December 24, 2010

Show Time!

In 'you can't avoid it' I've already told you that we already did a theory class of public speaking, where we learn important skills on how to be a good public speaker. And at the end of the session, my group was given a title 'immigration' as a assignment for us to prepare for the practical session. As for me, i chose to talk about 'the factors that cause illegal immigration in Malaysia'.

So, yesterday was a session for each and everyone of us to give a talk on individual's topic. There were groups presented social problem, Eco-tourism, sports, women entrepreneur and also information technology. It was a fun and informative session but unfortunately my turn was late in the afternoon, about 4.45pm. So, i was a bit tired.

Mr. Hisham is a good trainer. The comments are very useful and helpful. He's willing to share his valuable experiences to the students and i believe he has created a strong interaction with us. In fact, he is one of my favorite trainer. Congrats Mr Hisham.

1 comment:

  1. weh..ko lupe group aku nye tech..huhu sampai hati...
